Bachelor of Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business Perbanas Institute, Indonesia

I. Accreditation Comprehensive Review Result

1. Accreditation Review Result

ABEST21 International Accreditation Result of Bachelor of Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business Perbanas Institute Jakarta, Indonesia is as follows:

“ABEST21 International certifies that the School’s educational and research activities generally satisfy accreditation standards. The School’s Kaizen plans are good and quality maintenance and prospects for the improvement of education and research are promising and good. Accreditation commences April 1, 2024 for a five-year period.”

2. Comprehensive Review

To a certain extent, the School has met the standards and criteria outlined by ABEST21 for its Bachelor of management program. The strengths of the program include having straightforward systems in place to address program elements and ensuring that the program is global and international and meets the market demands. The School also demonstrates a promising performance in managing the BM program overall. It is aided by its close partnership with its primary institution (PEBANAS) to keep the program relevant for students. One area for improvement is speeding up internationalization initiatives to increase the diversity within the School. Overall, the review demonstrates that the School effectively manages a quality BM program aligned with ABEST21 standards, with internationalization identified as a continued development priority.
Overall, the School has addressed all the standards and criteria of ABEST21. The School has a clear system to address the various functions and processes to ensure that the program offered is global, international and meets the market demand.
Overall, the School has demonstrated quite an impressive performance in managing the BM program. The School has a close connection with PEBANAS which helps it to continuously offer a relevant program to the students. However, the School should speed up on its internationalization initiatives to increase the diversity.

3. Compatibility with the ABEST21 Standards

Chapter One: Internal Quality Assurance and Management

  • Standard 1: Academic Unit Management
  • Standard 2: Governance System
  • Standard 3: Self-Check/Self-Evaluation
  • Standard 4: Staff-Development

The School has systematic internal quality assurance and management mechanisms aligned with national and international accreditation standards. It is continuously engaged in quality improvement activities. While aligned with ABEST21 standards, the School could provide more detailed explanations and concrete examples of how its quality system and improvement initiatives are implemented in practice. Overall, the quality assurance foundations seem present, but the report could be strengthened with more specifics on the execution and outcomes of the quality initiatives.
The School has a systematic mechanism for internal quality assurance and management. The School is continuously engaging in continuous quality improvement activities to ensure that the program offered meets the requirements of the national quality body as well as international accreditation body. The practice is aligned with ABEST21 Standards.
The School has provided some explanation on the quality assurance and management for the program. However, the School can improve the report for this Chapter with further detailed elaborations of the implementation of the quality assurance and management system and the improvement initiatives carried out.

Chapter Two: Mission Statement

  • Standard 5: Mission Statement
  • Standard 6: Financial Strategies

The review finds that while the business management program is aligned with the institution’s mission, the mission statement itself is too broad and lacks differentiation or a unique value proposition. It is recommended that the School clarifies and specifies its mission further to highlight the distinct and defining features of its programs and approach.
Overall, the program is aligned with the current mission and matches ABEST21 standards. However, refining the mission statement to be less generic and more focused on the School’s unique strengths and offerings is needed to provide precise positioning and differentiation in the market.
The alignment of the program to the institutional mission and ABEST21 is sound. However, the mission statement itself should be revisited and enhanced.
The program offered is aligned to the mission of the institution. The practice is aligned with ABEST21 Standards.

Chapter Three: Curriculum

  • Standard 7: Learning Goals
  • Standard 8: Curriculum Policy and Management of Curriculum
  • Standard 9: Quality Improvement of Curriculum
  • Standard 10: Online Education
  • Standard 11: Diploma Policy and Learning Outcomes
  • Standard 12: Globalization of Curriculum

The School regularly reviews and updates the curriculum to align with market demands and produce employable graduates. It also provides global opportunities through international institutional partnerships. This practice aligns with ABEST21 standards. However, more specific, measurable examples of curriculum enhancement and global partnerships should be included to demonstrate robust alignment with standards. While the School is on the right track, the report could be strengthened by detailing measurable outcomes and providing concrete examples of initiatives for continuous curriculum improvement and global engagement.
The School conducts curriculum review within a regular timeframe to ensure that the program meets the market demand and produces graduates that meet the needs of the market. The School also provides opportunities to students to interact with institutions abroad. The practice is aligned with ABEST21 Standards.
In general, the School’s effort to some extent is compatible with the ABEST21 standards. However, more specific and measurable examples should be included in the report.

Chapter Four: Students

  • Standard 13: Admission Policy and Student Selection
  • Standard 14: Student Encouragement and Support
  • Standard 15: Student Body Diversity

The School has precise admission requirements and provides robust support to students, including career guidance, mentoring, extracurricular activities, and financial assistance. This practice aligns with ABEST21 standards. However, the School could expand financial aid eligibility to support more economically disadvantaged students.
Overall, the admission process is rigorous, and students receive academic and non-academic support on campus, but expanding access to financial assistance would further the School’s commitment to inclusion.
The School has clear admission requirements. The students receive good support in class and on campus including career guidance, mentoring, and opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities. Financial assistance is also available. The practice is aligned with ABEST21 Standards. However, the School should improve on the eligibility of financial aid/scholarships for the students. Students from the low income group should be considered as recipients of the assistance.

Chapter Five: Faculty

  • Standard 16: Faculty Structure
  • Standard 17: Faculty Qualifications
  • Standard 18: Maintenance of Education and Research Environment
  • Standard 19: Faculty Development
  • Standard 20: Faculty Diversity

The School has a diverse faculty but is aware of age gaps and has succession planning and ongoing recruitment efforts to hire more faculty members. The expertise of current faculty members aligns with their courses. Peer reviews could further improve teaching quality.
While aligned with ABEST21 standards, the School should continue improving faculty diversity by increasing the number of international professors and visiting faculty.
The School has a diverse faculty composition. The School is aware of the gap between young and senior faculty and has a clear succession plan. There is ongoing recruitment effort to hire more faculty members. The expertise of the faculty fits the curriculum. The School may consider conducting peer review between faculty members as an effort to increase quality of teaching and learning activities.
The practice is aligned with ABEST21 Standards. The School should increase the diversity of the faculty members by having more professors and faculty/visiting faculty members from different countries.

Chapter Six : Educational Infrastructure

  • Standard 21: Maintenance of Educational Infrastructure
  • Standard 22: Globalization of Educational Infrastructure

The School has sufficient educational infrastructure like classrooms, facilities, and amenities to support students’ curricular and extracurricular activities. This infrastructure meets ABEST21 standards.
The School utilizes some learning technologies and online platforms for education delivery. However, it could provide more specific information on the tools and technologies used. Overall, the infrastructure facilitates student learning and activities, but more details on technology utilization could demonstrate robust support.
The School has adequate educational infrastructure to support students’ learning and extra-curriculum activities. The practice is aligned with ABEST21 Standards. The School to some extent uses various learning technologies and online delivery platforms. However, the School should provide the details of these tools or technologies.

4. Good Practice in the School’s/Faculty’s Programs

Title: “Close ties with financial industries and faculty members support the students.”
Reason: The School organizes users’ meeting at the end of every semester, involving students, which enables the School to collect feedback on courses.

5. Matters to be improved

The School has made commendable efforts in the area of internationalization. The School has established connections with international partners and institutions, which has benefited students and faculty. However, while the School has made certain efforts, there is still room for improvement. The report suggests that the School may increase the number of full-time and exchange international students as well as hire more permanent foreign faculty members. Tapping into the ABEST21 network could help the School further advance its internationalization agenda.
The School demonstrates good effort and initiatives to fulfill ABEST21 standards. The School has especially benefited from internationalization activities as encouraged by ABEST21. The School shows great effort in establishing connection with international partners/institutions. This effort is seen to benefit students and faculty of the program. The School must improve effort to increase the number of full time and exchange international students and foreign permanent faculty members. The School should connect with members of ABEST21 to help achieve its internationalization agenda.
The report is well-written. It was a pleasure to read the report.

6. Peer Review Schedule

ABEST21 assessed the School’s ABEST21 Management Accreditation by conducting substantial assessment on “Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Report (SCR)” by the Desk Review and the online Peer Review Visit according to the Review Schedule below.

  • Jun.29, 2022 : Acceptance of the “QIS”
  • Oct.12, 2022 : Online Interview
  • Nov.24, 2022 : Ratification of the “QIS” by the Peer Review Committee
  • Jun.29, 2023 : Acceptance of the “SCR”
  • Sep.26 and 27, 2023 : Online Peer Review Visit
  • Oct.26, 2023 : Informal Announcement of the Draft of the PRT Review Report
  • Oct.26-Nov.21, 2023 : Coordination of opinions between the PRT and the School
  • Nov.28-29, 2023 : Ratification of the “PRT Review Report”
  • Jan.16, 2024 : Recommendation of the Accreditation Committee
  • Feb.21, 2024 : Ratification of the ABEST21 Accreditation by the Board of Trustees